Welcome to Johnson Brothers of Hawai’i

We have been serving world class wines, spirits, beer, and alternative better for you beverages throughout the islands with much aloha since 1988. We cover all the Hawaiian Islands with more than 150 team members through distribution facilities on Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and the Big Island. These locations also serve our customers on the islands of Molokai and Lanai. Our state-of-the-art Hawaii headquarters in Kapolei was completed in 2008 and upgraded with full solar power in 2022, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to the Hawaii community

Contact Us


1011 Munu St.
Kapolei, HI 96707


Johnson Brothers is dedicated to providing the best-in-class customer experience offering a well-rounded portfolio, experienced sales consultants, and tools to make your job more efficient. To get started, please complete the customer credit application form.

Image of Partners Shaking Hands
Image of a laptop on the JB Hub Home Page

JB Hub

JB Hub is our 24/7 online resource center to place orders, check product availability, review invoices and make online payments.

View Our Entire Portfolio

Our suppliers include global leaders and the newest craft brands in the wine, beer and spirits industries. Browse our entire portfolio by state and see for yourself.

Image of Wine Bottles in a Wine Rack

Join Our Team

We are hiring and have opportunities across the country.

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Our Services

Learn how we can help you grow your business today.

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